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Change Mentalities - How Do You Approach Change?

Updated: Aug 26, 2021

There is no right or wrong way to process big changes. Everyone brings their own strengths and challenges to each endeavor. Some people dive in head first while others test the waters with a toe or two.

What are some of the common ways people approach change? Let's look at change mentality, a person's natural affinity for change regardless of circumstance. I've identified 3 high level mentalities - The Enthusiast, The Enabler and The Skeptic. Faced with large scale change, I believe people naturally lean towards one of these mentalities.

The Enthusiast

These individuals are also known as an "idea people". They tend to seek change out and gravitate towards situations that need fixing. They are generally fast off the starting line and ready to go. The change enthusiast may struggle in a static environment. The Enthusiast focuses on the - what if.

The Enabler

These individuals sometimes initiate change, but are usually more instrumental in delivering it. The Enabler may need time to get on board with someone else's ideas. That process could include analysis, planning or just needing a deeper understanding of a vision. The Enabler will focus on the - how and when.

The Skeptic

The Skeptic tends to resist large scale changes of all kinds. While the Skeptic can thrive in a change environment, they generally prefer for things to stay the same. These individuals are important team members and often bring critical insights to a project. They may have a better understanding the risks that need to be mitigated. The Skeptic tends to focus on the - why.

This isn't to say that a person's change mentality is forever static. It can certainly change based on circumstance and even evolve over time. Regardless, the first step is understanding your own change mentality. Take a minute to think back on 3-4 large changes that directly impacted you personally or professionally. Make sure to include those that you led and other's where you were a follower. What was your gut reaction to the change and what types of questions did you ask yourself?

Personally I have all three of the change mentalities in my family living under one roof. Understanding each others' change mentality has helped us refine our approach to change and bring everyone along through the process.

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